Health Concerns

Healthy people change the world! Dr. Branson’s motto stems from her passion of helping her patients become healthier and live life to the fullest. Nearly all people could benefit from seeing a Naturopathic Medical Doctor regularly to optimize their health. When you feel better you can do better in all areas of your life. While Naturopathic Medicine can improve most health conditions, below are a few specialty areas that Dr. Branson is sought out for by patients across the country. If you have any specific health concerns not listed below contact us! It is best to schedule a 15 minute introductory phone consultation.

Hormone Balancing & Healthy Aging

Helping you to optimize thyroid, male, and female hormones so you feel your best at all ages.

Optimal hormone levels vary among individuals especially during different stages of life. Low functioning thyroid, declining sex hormones, or estrogen dominance can contribute to diminished health and vitality. The endocrine system is a collection of chemical messengers responsible for hormone balance.

Fatigue & Stress

Not having the energy, you want is not okay. There are many causes of fatigue, and together we will find and address the root cause.

Fatigue is a generalized symptom that plagues many of us. It’s easy to blame poor sleep, chronic stress, lack of activity, or a hectic lifestyle. However, there may be a treatable cause to explain the exhaustion, weakness, or decreased mental clarity that many experiences.

Cardiovascular Disease & Diabetes

Heart disease, diabetes and obesity are an epidemic. Fortunately, these conditions are treatable and curable with Naturopathic dietary and lifestyle modifications.

Every day people suffering from heart disease and diabetes are told to lose weight. Unfortunately, it’s not always that easy. Genetic factors, environmental toxins, and slowed metabolism can complicate the situation. For example, suppose a patient is diagnosed with high cholesterol. 

Food Sensitivities, Allergies & Immunity

Many people don’t realize that the food they are eating is causing their health problems. By discovering your food sensitivities, you can support your immune system and achieve sustainable wellness.

Many people suffer from food allergies and sensitives. True food allergies (i.e. anaphylaxis and hives) are often obvious and simple to diagnose.  Alternatively, food sensitivities can be much more elusive and confusing. 


Infertility is incredibly stressful and sadly, is becoming more and more common. With Naturopathic care and treatment many patients have started the family of their dreams! 

Infertility is a growing epidemic. One of the worst parts is that the emotional and financial stress that accompany infertility can contribute to the condition; it’s a vicious cycle. 

Digestive Disorders

Gut health is the foundation of optimal health. When you have digestive issues, it can interfere with all aspects of life. By addressing and treating the root cause, you can heal and get back to living life on your terms.

According to a recent survey, it is estimated that a whopping 74% of Americans are living with digestive issues like diarrhea, constipation, gas, bloating and abdominal pain.

Autoimmune Disease

Rates of autoimmune disease are skyrocketing. Unfortunately, conventional medicine struggles to manage these conditions even with all of the medications that are prescribed. Naturopathic Medicine gives you an alternative approach. 

Immune dysfunction is at the core of many disease states. Sadly, autoimmune diseases often present in groups. 


Every parent wants their child to have the best start in life. That foundation is built on good health. With a natural approach to health and wellness, children thrive!

Dr. Branson treats children of all ages with a wide variety of health concerns. From routine well-child visits, ADD/ADHD, anxiety disorders, chronic tummy aches, to acne, recurrent colds, PMS and everything in between.